Formulation based on a micronized iron Sun Active, Lactoferrin, Quatrefolic® and Vitamin C

Micronized Iron SunActive®

Ionic iron in the monomeric form with a sperical lipid structure
• Structure chilomicrone-like
• No metallic taste
• Absence of gastro-intestinal intolerance


• Natural glycoprotein
• Prodduced by the exocrine glands
• Able to chelate iron ions in case of excessive iron concentration and release them when needed


This fourth generation folate is the active metabolite of folic acid.

Micronized Iron SunActive®

Iron SunActive® consists of iron pyrophosphate coated with medium-chain triglycerides that allow it to pass unchanged in the stomach without being modified by gastric juices. Similarly it passes through the small intestine without degradation by the enterocyte and is then transported via blood flow to the liver to be metabolized.

This process allows no ionic iron to come into contact with the gastric mucosa, thus avoiding any intestinal intolerance and darkening of the feces.


Our body does not allow free ionic iron circulating in the blood because the iron ion is the link that allows attachment of viruses and bacteria to our cells’ walls.


1. Neutralization of ionic iron by chelation

2. When there is a shortage of lactoferrin, the liver begins to produce the molecule hepcidin, which closes the iron channels on the intestinal cells leading to decrease in hemoglobin and growth of deposits of iron (ferritin).

Low level of hepcidin (hypoxia, decreased ferritin). The liver releases iron in the blood through ferroportin.

High concentration of hepcidin (inflammation, increased ferritin) released by the liver. The release of iron in the blood is prevented by the blocking of ferroportin.

Iron supplements administered without lactoferrin rarely normalizes the hemoglobin level. The cause is the presence of hepcidin in iron homeostasis.

The presence of ionic iron activates hepcidin in the blood that closes iron channels of enterocytes, hepatocytes and macrophages because free ionic iron molecules facilitate the attack by viruses and bacteria.

– Ganz T. – department of medicine. Geffen D. – School of medicine at UCLA (Los Angeles), Hepcidin and its role in regulating systemic iron metabolism, Hematology Am Soc Hemat.

– Educ, Program 2006: 29-35, 507 – Vyoral D., Petrak J. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, Hepcidin: a direct link between iron metabolism and immunity, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2005 Sep, 37 (9): 1768-73

Improve absorption by micronized iron Sun Active and Lactoferrin

The Association of micronized iron SunActive and lactoferrin allows maximum tolerability with the highest efficiency in increasing the hemoglobin level

– Valenti P., Antonini G. – Dipartimento di medicina Perimentale, II Università di Napoli, Lactoferrin: an important host defenc against microbial and viral attack, Cell. Mol ife Sci 2005 Nov, 62 (22): 2576 – 7

– Berlutti F., Pantanella F. Natalizi T., Paesano R, Valenti P., et al, Antiviral propierties of lactoferrin – a natural immunity molecule, Department of public health and infectious d iseases Sapienza University of Rome, Molecules 2011 Aug 16, 16 (8): 69992-7018

– Johnson E.E. Wessling – Resnick – John Carol University OH 44118, USA, Iron Metabolism and innate immune response to infection, Microbes infect. 2012 Mar 14(3): 2017-16, Epub 2011 Oct 20.

Improve absorption by micronized iron Sun Active and Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin 100 mg 2 times a day VS 520 mg ferrous sulfate

Quatrefolic® (L-Methyltetrahydrofolate sodium salt)

Thanks to the presence of folate in the form of active folic acid (Quatrefolic®) Ferrolat and Ferrolat plus are also useful in cases of megaloblastic anemia. Fourth generation folate is the active metabolite of folic acid. Studies both in animal models and in healthy subjects have demonstrated the higher bioavailability of Quatrefolic. Ten percent of the Caucasian population has less than 70% of the enzymes to metabolize folic acid and 40% is only partially able to absorb it (heterozygous).


• No side effects because the ion Fe+++ is never in contact with the gastrointestinal mucosa
• No dark stools because iron is absorbed totally
• Due to the high efficiency in the absorption Ferrolat does not require large doses of iron
• Iron chelation via lactoferrin makes iron available for a sustained period, avoiding hepcidin activation.

Ginecology Pregnancy > Ferrolat
High menstrual blood loss > Ferrolat Plus
Gastroenterology Blood loss > Ferrolat plus
Disease malabsorption > Ferrolat o Ferrolat Plus
Oncology and Hematology Iron deficiency anaemia > Ferrolat Plus



20 tablets blister.

Directions for use

One tablet daily with a teaspoon of water

Active ingredients

• Iron: besides contributing to decreasing tiredness and fatigue, it assists the normal function of the immune system
• Lactoferrin
• Folic acid
• Vitamin C

Average content
Average content Iron Lactoferrin Vitamin C Folate
1 tbl 21 mg 50 mg 50 mg 400 mcg
NRV% 150% 62,5% 200%

Ferrolat plus


20 tablets blister.

Directions for use

One tablet once a day with a teaspoon of water

Active ingredients

• Iron: besides contributing to decreasing tiredness and fatigue, it assists the normal function of the immune system
• Lactoferrin
• Folic acid
• Vitamin C

Average contents
Average contents Iron Lactoferrin Vitamin C Folate
1 tbl 30 mg 100 mg 20 mg 400 mcg
NRV% 214.3% 25% 200%


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